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Full Stack Web Development

SharpSkilled's Full Stack Web Development course covers front-end and back-end technologies essential for building modern web applications. Students learn HTML/CSS, ... Show more
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The Full Stack Web Development course at SharpSkilled is designed to equip students with the comprehensive skills needed to develop modern web applications from start to finish. Throughout this intensive program, students will delve into both front-end and back-end development technologies, gaining hands-on experience with industry-standard tools and frameworks.


The course curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  1. HTML/CSS: Students will learn the fundamentals of building web pages using HTML for structure and CSS for styling, ensuring they can create visually appealing and responsive user interfaces.
  2. JavaScript: This module will cover the essential concepts of JavaScript programming language, including DOM manipulation, event handling, asynchronous programming, and ES6 features.
  3. Front-end Frameworks: Students will be introduced to popular front-end frameworks such as React.js or Angular.js, empowering them to efficiently build interactive and dynamic user interfaces.
  4. Back-end Development: In this section, students will dive into server-side programming using technologies like Node.js, Express.js, and databases such as MongoDB or SQL databases. They will learn how to create robust APIs, manage authentication, handle data storage, and ensure application security.
  5. Version Control: Students will master Git, a powerful version control system widely used in the industry, enabling them to collaborate effectively on projects and manage codebase efficiently.
  6. Deployment and DevOps: This module will cover the deployment of web applications to production environments, including setting up hosting, configuring servers, and implementing continuous integration and deployment pipelines using tools like Docker and Jenkins.
  7. Project Work: Throughout the course, students will work on real-world projects, applying the skills and concepts they have learned to create fully functional web applications. This hands-on experience will prepare them for the challenges they may encounter in the professional environment.
  8. Industry Best Practices: The course will also emphasize industry best practices such as coding standards, testing methodologies, and performance optimization techniques, ensuring that students develop habits that align with the standards of professional web development.


By the end of the Full Stack Web Development course at SharpSkilled, students will have the knowledge, skills, and portfolio necessary to pursue careers as full-stack developers, capable of contributing to a wide range of web development projects.

Course materials
Full Stack Web Development.docx 16 kb Download
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